Vincent Amps

Has anybody used or heard these. I was thinking about trying them with my Vandersteen 1Cs.

I have the Sheng Ya (Vincent) 300 WPC monoblocks ( first 100 W in class A). They sound fabulous on my Audio Physic Avanti Century speakers. I use Translucent (gold/silver) speaker cables and have a Paul Speltz naked autoformer connected to them.

I paid $1500 bucks on Audiogon for them and can say that I think I got the bargain of the century. They are very smooth, liquid, detailed without being etched and image quite nicely.
How do you like the trasnslucent speaker cables. I am using their interconnect and they are great. How do they compare sonicaly to the other speakers cables you used. These interconnects are definetly sleepers.
Dabarrie, the Translucent speaker cables are, in my system, nothing short of fabulous. I knew this literally within minutes of putting them in my system.

They cost almost twice as much as my LAT international top of the line speaker cables and they sound different, though not necessarily better. I love the way both cables sound. The LAT sounds a bit lighter in weight but has a very airy, spacious presentation. The Translucent sounds a bit heftier, is more liquid, and also images quite well.
Thanks for your input. I have been trying to pull up Translucent audio website but it seems that their website is no longer availible. Hope everything is ok, I know that the speaker cable buisness is very competitive and everyone is fighting for market share. I would suggest they work on their marketing some because they have an awesome product.

Of the 2 speaker cables you mentioned above which one is more transparent, blacker backgrounds, extended and has a better soundstage. FYI, When I added my Lessloss powercords and the translucent interconnect everything was so incredibly lifelike.
I had the 236 integrated. I liked it, but wasn't overwhelmed by it. I do, however, look for a sense of life, not "good bass" or whatever else part of the frequency spectrum comes to mind. I do look for cointinuousness, a trait first seen in the Jadis amps, also in the Hurricanes and the entire Antique Sound Lab line, and the Vincent did not seem to have that. I kept it for a year and then decided that it wasn't quite for me. It did have good imaging and soundstaging, though, so if that's what you want, it does do those things.