Need Some Help Choosing an Integrated Amp

Hi Folks:

My current system includes an ARC SP-16 and 150.2 amplification. I am considering moving in a different direction--going with a quality integrated amp and a separate, high quality phono stage to be fed by a new analogue rig. Right now I want to focus on replacing the ARC equipment with an integrated. I value build quality, tonal authenticity, good bottom end control and drive, PRat, and a three dimensional soundstage. Tubes are OK but I'm leaning toward solid state. Budget would be around $4k new or used. The amp will drive 97db efficient Daedalus DA-1.1's with an Esoteric X-03se as the source.

I'd like to end up with something that is as good or better than what I am using for electronics right now when running my digital front end. Any help or advice is appreciated. I've seen a few interesting products from Bryston, Ayre, Pass Labs and Sugden.
I also triple the MA2275, but I'm very biased towards tubes. I don't think you find many folks who have tried the MAC SS and tubes integrated and would say they preferred the the SS. But Pass SS is someting I could live with.
Some really great suggestions here--thanks. The Lavardin looks very interesting but it looks like it doesn't come with a remote, which I like. I hadn't considered McIntosh so will investigate this one further. I also like the look of the Blue Circle. How would you describe the "house sound" of the Mac, Lavardin and Blue Circle products? Texture and tonality are really important to me and the amp has to have enough current to control a large floorstanding speaker.
you may want to consider this:

btw I do not know this person... just a quality amp