Tube amp for "difficult" speakers,,,

I have a pair of Consequence Dynaudio, mk 2. They work well with my s-state 2x600 watts amp and sounds great esp at large volume levels. But I want to switch to tubes, and even triode if possible. Is good tube amplification unrealistic with these 83 db sensitivity speakers? I am probably not the only one with somewhat "difficult" speakers so all advice is welcome.
The OP's speakers have an 83dB sensitivity.

The amp's power, or the size of it's transformer is not really the issue. It's the impedance curve of the speakers that matters.

I owned 160wpc VAC amps, which I tried on my Silverline speakers which employ Dynaudio drivers. The Silverlines do not have a flat impedance curve, and the result was an aggressive, tipped-up sound without midrange weight or sufficient low end to balance the highs.
I know an older gentleman who used to own Consequence. He has gone thru many amps, from high power solid state like Bryston 7B-ST to a 70wpc tube amp. His favorite was the medium power tube amp that was made in Canada, but the company has gone belly up and I can't remember the name at this moment.

I used to own Confidence 5 which many believed are the modern iteration of Consequence. I have tried 10+ amps on those and I would not recommend tube with them. The best tube amp I had success with was Sonic Frontiers Power 3, but even then they could not fully bring out the bass.

If you are not dead set on Consequence, I suggest you look for a new speaker that has more resolving power, quicker, more transparent, and easier to drive. As much as I loved the Confidence 5, I have moved on and much happier now.
Tvad you must be right because I experience a lush midrange with plenty of balance,weight,and lucidity in both mid and low frequency.
Your VAC amps are considerably better than were mine, and they use 300B tubes, which have the characteristics you describe. Do you know the impedance specs of your speakers: lowest, highest and nominal? That'd be helpful for anyone reading this thread.
Tvad I don't have the specific info at hand but my speakers are a good match to my VAC 70/70. Just for others,I found this article on the VAC website.