Tube amp for "difficult" speakers,,,

I have a pair of Consequence Dynaudio, mk 2. They work well with my s-state 2x600 watts amp and sounds great esp at large volume levels. But I want to switch to tubes, and even triode if possible. Is good tube amplification unrealistic with these 83 db sensitivity speakers? I am probably not the only one with somewhat "difficult" speakers so all advice is welcome.
Jaybo is without doubt a "voice of reason" when it comes to giving good equipment its due rather than mining for perceived shortcomings.
I had some experience with the Dynaudio Consequence’s, many years ago, and I still consider selling them cheap one of my biggest audio mistakes. But at that time I did not have a dedicated listening room and as they need a large distance between the speakers and the listener, the best listening position was at the place occupied by a large dinning table…

I heard some of the best sounds in my life with the Consequence’s and the Primare 200 system I am now advertising at Audiogon in a 80 square meter room, but the Krell amplifiers (KSA300s and KAS at that time) and Cello's were the best with these speakers. The Dynaudio Arbiter's and the FM Acoustics were only dreams for me, but a reliable friend who heard them with the Consequence's is still recovering after 15 years.

From my many experiences, including Audio Research Classic 150s, I would not advise using them with tubes, independently of power or electric compatibility. I have now a speaker with a similar behavior in my system – the wonderful Krell LAT1000s. They are a great speaker with the Dartzeel amplifier (200W, current limited) but my VTL 750s even in pentode mode can not control them.

I would advise you on upgrading your FBP600 to 700cx – they are completely different amplifiers, the 700cx is much faster and it should complement the Consequences much better. Also something tells me that the conrad johnson premier 350 – a great LAT1000 driver would be a good match, but is also only a guess.
Microstrip brings more user experience into this thread - experience much in line with my own. When you get these speakers to work, you dont want to part with them. My Krell fpb600 is a good match, although not perfect. I want to thank the contributors in the thread. I will try tube amps when I get the chance.
Borrowed a pair of Quicksilver 2 x 60 watt p-pull monoblocs from a friend. Didn't make it. Not surprising. These are good amps and didn't sound so openly "strained" - but clearly, they didn't grab the speakers in the full way that the s-state does. After two days my family said, why dont you put the old one back. I agreed.