Jeff Rowland amp in unbalanced mode

Hi all, does anyone have experience driving a Jeff Rowland amp (model 201 or any other) with rca-XLR adapters in unbalanced mode? Could you compare with balanced operation and was there sonic impact (I guess there will be, but how serious)? Did you use Rowland's own adapter? Thanks!
Thank you Rafael, I may have misunderstood. . . As I am not an EE, you will get more precise answers by contacting JRDG directly. G.
Hi Kijanki, once again, I am not an electrical engineer, so I apologize for my lack of rigor. You are correct the PS of the ASC200 power conversion module is already regulated. Yet, according to the designer and to many users, feeding 102/201/501 devices 385V DC current through an active PFC unit, further increases their musical performance. G.
Hello Guido,

" will get more precise answers by contacting JRDG directly."

Sorry, I am (very) happy owner of Spectron monoblocks and if I would call to Mr. Rawland - I would just waste his time since I am not potential customer of his amplifiers and I don't want to do it - I would feel very uncofortable.

FYI, if interested, Spectron power supplies are linear and not fully regulated but as you eloquently said "optimized"
meaning among other things that the choice of aftermarket power cord will have sonic consequences.

We can probably answer this question. If your 312 and Dave's Continium 500 do not react to the choice of the pwoer cord then their power supplies are fully regulated - ...I think.

All The Best