6922 Recommendation for my BAT VK-3iX Preamp

Can someone recommend a set of good 6922s for my BAT VK-3iX? Currently, I have NOS Tesla goldpin ECC88s. They sound good especially for piano music. However, violin music still has room to improve. I am wondering if getting a set of different 6922s will improve the violin, without degrading piano of course. :-)

With the Siemens CCa's(pre 1969 ONLY- the later CCa was extremely strident), you will hear the music, not the system. Transparent, extended in both directions(without bloat of glare), liquid midrange, excellent imaging and soundstage. They were a tube specially built, tested and selected for silence and durability(10kHr) for the German Telephone service. Telefunken E188CC/7308 tubes are also very transparent(no added warmth or microphonic colorations). Of course- Some enjoy the "tubey", "warm", "sugary" colorations of British(Mullard, Brimar, etc.) tubes. The Amperex Company made some nice tubes that fill the middle ground. Be certain that whomever you purchase tubes from tests and certifies them as "low noise/preamp grade" tubes. I've got six CCa's in my BAT VK-D5, but- everyone must satisfy their own tastes. Happy listening!
in what way do you want to improve the sound, violin in particular? What's missing right now? How does it sound when you play violin music? Be more detailed.
I'd like to hear more texture and harmonics in the midrange. A friend brought his highly modified tube preamp over and played it in my system. There was more magic in the mid range with his preamp. But it lacked dynamics and extensions....
I would try Amperec tubes, but I'm not sure how much of an improvement in this area you will gain with a different set of tubes.

But I think you will get what you want with a different preamp. Swapping tubes may be cool, but I kind of doubt it will be a long term solution.
Very thoughtful posts....Rodman has got it pretty much dead on.Particular tastes will determine the final outcome,though.

Best advice-----Experiment!

Good luck