Best 2 Channel Integrated Used for under 750?

I am looking for a 2 channel integrated for under 750. I would prefer to get one for under 600 or so though. I was wondering the best used ones in this price range or maybe even a little above it.

What speakers are you using???

I just picked up (from here less than a week ago) a Jolida 102b and I'm just loving it.

But before making any recomendations I would need to know a bit about what you have and what you like.
jAudio refinement The Complete is the amp to get for only about 500 on the gon Primaluna is great too but need a little more money about 300 more and it's worth it if you want tubes,sorry I sold my Complete!!!!!!!!!!!
The Complete is a good piece for the $ but I found it a little laid back. did nothing wrong but did not have the boogie factor with my ancillaries. You can do a lot worse, but I would recommend a speaker that is a little forward and/or has good PRAT.
Consider a Naim Nait3 (5i for a good deal?). There should be enough $ left for Naim speaker cable, which is necessary. You'll need odd DIN to RCA cables too. But what a sound. Naim is highly addictive, in the way their gear make you appreciate and love music even more. Exciting, engaging.

PS I don't actually use Main anymore, but only because I moved to a location plagues with rf and the like, which the Naim gear I could afford was susceptible to. YM will likely V.