Amp and Pre to match Wilson W/P 8 and others

I've bought a used pair of W/P 8s, and have also tentatively booked an AMR CD-77. I also have an eye on the Wadia 781i. Would also like to have a TT later on, but it'll bust my budget right away.

Having said that, my favourite cds are U2's The Joshua Tree, The Matrix soundtrack, Gladiator soundtrack, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Metallica, Dreamtheater, REM etc. My wife though, listens to Diana Krall, Norah Jones, Pink Martini, Fourplay and the like. We're beginning to like the O-Zone Percussion group too.

Given the range of music, what pre and power amps should I be considering? My listening and HT room is around 14'x 26'x 11'. I intend to have a projector and use the Puppies for HT as well.

I come from Malaysia and auditioning here is difficult given the tiny size of market, and I've yet to receive the W/Ps and Cd-77( they're for a new house). However given budget constraints I'm fishing in the used market so I have to act when I find the right items. In other words, I can't get auditions and have to be ready to pull the trigger whenever.

Budget is around 15-20k US
Recently I heard a WP8 Audio Research CD7 ref3 ref 110 system - try to listen to it. There was a coherence in the whole system that after some minutes made me ask "Why more?"...
Thanks for all the responses.

For the most part advice here has been for tubes, and I'm acutely aware of the almost default ARC/Wilson pairing. The worry I have-given the sort of music I listen to is power. Would I have sufficient low-end control and dynamics? I really crave the attack and impact, although airiness comes a close third too.

The names available to me here in Penang are: Pass, ARC, Viola. I can't audition them though, except for Pass's 250.5

Am I making a really big mistake buying this way?
While ARC is often used with Wilson....and some other tube stuff I do believe that having large power reserves is very this relates to the sound levels that you like to listen at...remember each 3db of volume increases demands twice the issue with tubes in general is uneven power response and limited mentioned the ARC ref 110 which is nice for some folks if you don't like to replicate the SPL of live performances...which is why I tend to prefer SS power amps...and if you wish to get the tube it at pre amp I tried for a bit...with the very nice VTL 6.5...but then I got enticed and love the new Ayre KX-R...most amazing in terms of resolution...detail..lack of noise...particularly at lower sound levels...which at times to keep peace in family is important as I listen in the evening....
If you want attack, impact and airiness go for a conrad johnson premier 350 with an ACT2 preamplifier - I had them with Wilson system 7 some years ago and it was really impressive. At that time the cables were Transparent Audio Reference XL - a very good match!
Please remember that the premier 350 is very different from the classic cj sound.