Has any had experiecne with the MF 550k superchar?

The idea of having 550 wpc of SET sound is very enticing; especially when Audio Advisor is offering a special to die for. Half off list. I suppose MF is not moving this baby? I wonder if it is because the amp is not delivering the goods, or there just isn't a market. Stereophool/Fremmer gave it an excellent review. I would love to hear some first hand experience or reliable second hand with this baby. thanks in advance, warren

Are you referring to the First Watt F4? I own an F4 clone, and while it's a fabulous amp and does pretty much what the MF 550K does using the speaker inputs (no voltage gain, just current gain) the F4 only makes about 25 watts, a far cry from the MF's 550 wpc. That probably explains some of the price difference; the rest may be because the MF also has a regular driver stage and can function as a conventional amp with gain, something the F4 can't do. I've never heard the MF, but I would be very surprised if it sounded similar to the F4 if only because it makes so much more power.

I do agree with you that any amp Nelson Pass has designed is a good bet, as long it's a suitable match for your application. His First Watt series are all different and pretty specialized.

Guys, I love my SET, but I have speakers, though 101db, can handle 300+ watts. Sometimes I want to move the picture frames on my walls. My amp puts out 35 wpc, which does some serious tympanic pounding, but the thought of having an amp that would give me SET sound from <1 watt to 500 watts is exciting. $2500. Not bad. This First Watt F4 is just a bit (light years) off topic.
David, You are right. I was operating off a poor memory. Sorry I was off topic Warren. I'll be more careful in the future.

I own Druids, so I definitely understand the possibilities at 101dB sensitivity. If the Superchargers will give you the sonics you desire, you'll certainly be able to blow the house down running them into your Def 1.5s. Better warn your neighbors!
