Tubes for Antique Sound Lab 1009

ASL 1009 owners, I'm looking for some ideas on new tubes (over stock chinese tubes) for my ASL 1009. Thanks.
For the V-cap, is 0.22 uF 600 DC the correct value to use for this amp?
On the VH Audio website, the picture of the V-cap shows red and green wire on each end. The ASL 1009 shows white and yellow wires to the existing caps. Do the wires on the V-cap and amp have to match or it does not matter? What is a good way to hold the V-caps down?
Can't help with the caps. $1800 will get you the full mod through the distributor for ASL.
Thanks Tabl10s. I am in Asia and sending these heavy amps half-way around the world is not cost effective.
You're not kidding about the weight. I helped the local dealer get an order from a customer who audtioned my pair. His room was upstairs and it was tiring.