Best integrated to drive vandersteen 2c's

A while back I got my hands on an acurus a150. I've been living with a nad receiver (7175pe and then a 7250pe after the 7175 died) and the vandersteens for the last 15 years. I figured, those are quality components, what the heck. I hooked the acurus up on a whim, using the nad preamp section. Revelation. Those thumpy low frequency sounds are acutally musical instuments! So thats what you audiophile guys have been going on about.

I'm trying not to catch the disease (ok, hobby, if you prefer; I can't really afford the disease in the current business climate, anyway). The acurus is nice (to my ears), but the upper registers are a bit harsh. So I'm thinking a nice mid-level integrated will satisfy this new hunger without doing too much damage. I would guess I need about 100 watts for those speakers. I'm looking in the sub-$1,000 (used) range; a Musical Fidelity A300/A3.5 or a Creek 5350SE, maybe a Jolida 1501. A Plinius 8200, Bel Canto eVo 2i or SimAudio I-5 seem a bit out of reach financially right now. Any opinions?
I used the MF A300 with Vandy 1C's and 2CE Sigs with great results in a smaller room (11x12). Plenty of power and the A300 will give the Vandy's enough kick for rock, jazz, or whatever you listen to.

As far as sub-$1,000 stuff goes, I had great results using the Audio Refinement Complete integrated with my 2Ce Signatures. Granted, if you play vinyl, you'll have to get a phono stage, but you'll still come in at under $1,000.

I'll admit it - eventually, I got a Plinius 8200 MKII, but for what your paramaters are - I don't think the Audio Refinement can be surpassed. It makes beautiful music that you can just flat out enjoy - just like the Vandys.
I'm would think the MF gear would be very good indeed. I suspect that 100-150 watt integrateds from Rotel would also be a very good match at your price point.