Are There Any Good, High Power Solid State Amps?

I feel like I'm running low on power with my current 100 watt tube amp, so I'm looking for suggestions. I'd like to try solid state, but I want an amp with an airy, rich tonality. I've been thinking either Pass (love the XA series, but I'm afraid it won't be enough power) Pass X, Krell, Clayton, etc. Can you make any suggestions (new or used somewhere in the $5K - $10k range)?
Thanks in advance.
I'm pusing 100 watts now, and sometimes it runs low on steam.

Louisl (System | Threads | Answers)

Pushing 100 watts into an 89dB speaker is running out of steam when you state you listen at 90dB - 93dB?

Something doesn't add up here.

Perhaps the problem is that your tube amp's impedance curve doesn't match the impedance curve of your speakers (which dip down to 3 ohms...I've owned them), and therefore the bass response is anemic. This could be interpreted as running out of steam.

I know firsthand the Moscode 401HR is an excellent match with the VR4 Gen III HSE. I owned this combo for a couple of years.
When I owned the VR4 Gen III HSE, I owned or auditioned the following amps: VAC Phi 110/110, Channel Islands Audio D100 and D200, McCormack DNA-2 Platinum, McCormack DNA-500, Nuforce Reference 8, Odyssey Stratos Extreme Monoblocks, Moscode 401HR, and a few others that I've forgotten.

The Moscode 401HR and VAC Phi110/110 were a level above the rest. The Moscode had better bass control and bass extension and was less fussy about matching components. The VAC Phi 110/110 had the magical VAC midrange and overall clarity. It was a little fussy about the electronics in front of it, regardless of their excellence, and it could sound a little bright at times...a quality that I was always fighting with the VR4 Gen III HSE. The Moscode was extended and did not produce brightness in the speakers.
I was reading a glowing, 6 Moons review of Bryston 28B's. Doesn't seem to be your typical Bryston and is the basis for the next generation SST^2 series. Looks like they go for abut $8k used.
Here's another suggestion Louis.
Keep your 100 watt tube amp and add 2 self-powered subwoofers like the Vandersteen 2Wq with their high-pass filter. This will relieve your amp from the power-sucking bass frequencies and add 600 watts of power for the 20Hz-80Hz subs. You will find the headroom of your existing amp increase enormously as well as the performance of your existing speakers. Here is a link to The Audio Perfectionist and what Richard Hardesty says about the Vandersteens. Click on 'Download Revised Journal #2 Free' and then scroll down several pages till you get to SubWoofers.
Only subs with a high-pass filter will allow your existing amp to gain headroom.