Are There Any Good, High Power Solid State Amps?

I feel like I'm running low on power with my current 100 watt tube amp, so I'm looking for suggestions. I'd like to try solid state, but I want an amp with an airy, rich tonality. I've been thinking either Pass (love the XA series, but I'm afraid it won't be enough power) Pass X, Krell, Clayton, etc. Can you make any suggestions (new or used somewhere in the $5K - $10k range)?
Thanks in advance.
How do you impedance match an amplifier to a speaker? (By the way, it's Louisl...the last character is an alpha 'L', not a numeric '1') :-)
Louisl, basically what will serve you well is an amplifier that doubles its power output as impedance is halved, i.e.100wpc into 8 ohms and 200wpc into 4 ohms, etc.

The reason for this is that some speakers, such as your VR4 Gen III HSE have low impedances in the bass frequencies relative to the rest of the frequency spectrum. If an amp does not double power output into lower impedances (bass frequencies), then the result is less volume in the bass relative to the mids and highs. We often perceive this imbalance as brightness because the speakers are not producing the bass frequencies that would balance the highs.

For more in depth info, I suggest Robert Harley's "The Complete Guide to High End Audio".

Having said this, the Moscode 401HR, which I know matches well with the VR4 Gen III HSE, does not double its power as impedance is halved...yet it works really well with the speaker.

BTW, you can also run into impedance mismatches between preamp and amps. A preamp with high output impedance matched with an amp with low input impedance can result in rolled off bass (and rolled off highs) as well.
Ya, you're right. Sorry, I just glanced the headlines. Both the current 7B's and 14B's are upgraded similarly to the 28B's and are now balanced from input to output. Might still be more workhorse than racehorse but some speakers are more job than sport.
Keep the VT100 and get rid of the conditioner and the Bybee stuff. Try some PC's from the cable company and other cables if need should have enough power! By the way, always use the 8ohm taps as they have better drive.