Are There Any Good, High Power Solid State Amps?

I feel like I'm running low on power with my current 100 watt tube amp, so I'm looking for suggestions. I'd like to try solid state, but I want an amp with an airy, rich tonality. I've been thinking either Pass (love the XA series, but I'm afraid it won't be enough power) Pass X, Krell, Clayton, etc. Can you make any suggestions (new or used somewhere in the $5K - $10k range)?
Thanks in advance.

Tvad is most likely dead-on to the source of your "power" problem. I have a very easy(and relatively cheap) test/solution for you...

Get ahold of some Zeros (Speaker Impedance Multiplying Autoformer) - by Paul Speltz. They can raise the speaker impedance seen by the amp bu 2x/3x/4x. So, if your speakers dip to 3 ohms and your amp is having a hard time, on the 2x setting the amp will see a much easier 6 ohm load and sail along without breaking a sweat. Read the professional reviews and customer testimonials on the website.

Best of all, he offers a 60-Day money back guarantee. So, for $450(naked) or $950(boxed) you might just find out that your AR VT-100 actually has enough power. If not, no money lost on the return.

At the very least, they work with any amp and will greatly broaden the list of what will work with your speakers. Meaning you won't have to spend $8k-$10k to get the results that you are seeking.
Hi Louisl.

Unless you have upgradeitis, you might try the Autoformer described above before spending lots of $$$ on a new amp(s).

Here's the link:

ask viktor khomenko about the difference between tube and solid state. it is a fool's errand to think you can replicate the sound of tubes with a solid state product.

there is no free lunch in audio. if you want solid state you get the solid state sound. richness and solid state is a contradiction.
See my review of the Bel Canto Ref 1000 Mk.2 monoblock amplifier just posted on issue No. 43 of Positive Feedback Online. Yes, IMO, this is an example of an excellent SS amplifier at a Real World price.

O.K. educate me. Why has no one mentioned a pair of Belles 350a run in mono. $8K new $5K or less used. Plenty of power, clean, big soundstage. Now I'm ready, tell me why not.