Cambridge 640A V2 Volume Control Issue

I have a Cambridge Audio 640A V2 integrated amp and was wondering if anyone has the same problem with I have with the volume control. When I increase or decrease volume with the remote, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to get it to the loudness I need. If I just tap the up/down button to make a very small change, it overshoots and I end up getting too much volume, or too little than what than what I need. The best way for me to describe what is happening is to say that the control is sloppy or impercise. Also, when I use the volume wheel, it is very sensitive. It only takes a very small adjustment with the wheel, to get a big change in volume. I welcome any comments from anyone that has used this amp.
What type of loudspeaker you using? A miss match could cause this problem.
I have tried several speakers with this amp. I know that a very efficient speaker could give this type of problem. I had a pair of magnepan 1.6's for about 6-8 months. The problem was still there. This issue is a little difficult to explain in a thread like this but it is one of those things that you see right away if you have your hands on the unit itself and are using. Simply put, it just seems to be a cheap/low cost volume control. Most people seem to like this brand and I have never a complaint like this before. That led me to believe there might be a problem. Otherwise it is a very nice amp. I like it better than some of the more expensive amps that I have had.
I know exactly what you are talking about ... only I have a similar issue with the Outlaw RR2150 receiver. In the case of the Outlaw, it was reported in a number of magazine reviews and the Outlaw forums, so it is no big secret. It gets annoying, especially when I don't feel like getting up and I try tapping the remote, but it gets too loud anyway. Check out this thread , as it mentions the Cambridge Audio about 2/3 of the way down.


FWIW I have the same problem with AMC integrated, it over performs in all other categories. I think it is a combination of cheap(er) volume pots and perhaps a slight mismatch in the output of source with amp. Only way to improve is to get higher end integrated amp or pre + amp, or install Rothwell line attenuators:

How is the sound of your amp otherwise?