wyred4sound amps

I am interested in these amps, there are good reviews online but I was wondering what audiogon members thought of these amps. I have not had a chance to hear one yet. Also interested in the bel canto digital amps, thanks
Haven't heard the wyred4sound amps, but I own a Pass X150 amp (prior to the newer .5 amps). I have compared this amp to many others - and it is the best I have heard. I would be surprised if the wyred4sound amps sound as good as the current Pass amps. Price wise though the Pass amps are much more, so the wyred4sound amps seem like great bang for the buck. Like to compare them sometime. Anyone around PA, DE, NJ MD with these we could compare!
I ran the Pass X-150 on a couple of my past speakers. I graduated to the X-600. Some folks thought the X-150 bested it's powerful twin brothers.

Still, there is no comparison to what I have now.
What we know from his past posts is that Muralman1 doesn't care for Pass Labs amps. The fact that the X150 and X600 amps he refers to in this thread as having run in his system, or heard in other systems, are not the best Pass Labs has to offer is of no consequence, because a discussion of Pass Labs is irrelevant to Wyred4sound amps.

Is the OP going to consider Pass Labs in lieu of Wyred4sound? Not likely.

Are Pass Labs owners going to jettison their amps in favor of Wyred4sound amps. Not likely.

Let's move on...