best match for Macintosh MC352

Need help. Have a Anthem AVM 30 preamp/processor. Want to upgrade. Have Musical Fidelity A308 CD and Definitive Technology BP7000SC Supertowers (love em). Looking to serve both for 2 channel and HT application. Budget $8,000. New to Audiogon, any help would be great.
The MCIntosh 352 is a great amp I had one for years. But
not sure where it fits into your plans for HT and 2 channel. I am using an MX135 and a MC402 along with a MC205 amp. Irun the 2 channel through a ARC LS26 using Unity gain. This works great allowing me to have true 2 channel system and also use it a a HT system. What are you using for an amp now? The 352 will be great for the two front channels but what are you planning to use for ctr and surrounds? The AVM30 will serve your needs for the 2 Channel and 5.1 needs. Are you planning to lkeep the DefTechs? If so can you match the model series with center and surrounds? And just as passing note Macintosh makes computers, McIntosh is the Audio Co. Actually Macintosh derived it's name from McIntosh due to it's reputation and brand recognition.
Theo, actually APPLE makes computers and the Macintosh is a model/brand within that company. Also Macintosh is a variety of an apple, (like Red Delicious or Granny Smith) so maybe that's where the name came from?
Here is a link for the story about Apple's Macintosh Computer name:

Scroll down to the heading..."An Apple a Day"
Thanks Theo. To further elaborate I have Def Tech matching components. 4 BPVX surrounds and a CLR3000 center channel with a 10 inch powered sub. Happy with them. The surrounds are powered by a Anthem MCA 50 @ 180 wpc x 5 channels. I am overall happy with the two channel sound but find it somewhat lacking in the mids. Want to start upgrading and the AVM 30 is 5 year old technology. Wondering what processor will give me both great 2 channel sound and surround sound. Thanks in advance for anyones input.