BAT VK-300x

I'm interested in this amp, which seems to enjoy the reputation of a top-of-the-line integrated, but I don't have a place to audition one nearby. There are a couple of reviews, but they weren't terribly in depth as far as I'm concerned and discussion on this forum seems a bit sparse and inconclusive, especially compared to talk about some of its rivals, like the McIntosh MA2275 or 6900. I'm wondering whether somebody might be willing to wax poetic on the sound of these BAT integrateds - the differences in sound between the solid-state, 6922 and SE versions? A comparison with Mcintosh solid-state and/or tubes would be helpful, for example, as I'm familiar with those. Also familiar with Ayre, Naim, Audio Research, Linn, SETs... looking for an idea of where the BAT integrateds fit in soundwise.
Thanks in advance!
Remember,your other equipment has everything to do with the sound also, everything must work together.A list of your other equipment will be helpful.Reccomendations are a start but only you know what sounds good to you.
Thanks - I had meant to mention that I'm basically starting over completely with my system, and the current idea is to go with a pair of Ohm 1000 speakers - I'm slightly concerned that the 300x or 6922 might be a little dark for Ohms, for example. Haven't decided on a DAC for my MacBook yet, although my ideal might be something akin to an Audio Note 2.1x.
So are my questions still just too vague or poorly phrased, or have the BAT Vk-300x models failed to inspire a legion of fans who delight in describing their sound versus each other and the competition?

Again, I'm fully aware that only I know what sounds good to me, just trying to figure out if it's worth taking a trip out of town to audition one of these...
Coverto - I have listened to the BAT VK-300x before, and it sounded good. But, for that kind of price I believe you can do better. The Luxman L505u, even though it's an SS amp, sounds better than BAT VK-300x for $3,700. If you want the ultimate amp, get the Luxman L509u. All Luxman int amps put out sound that is tube-velvet, with lush detail. However, this unit costs $10k in the USA for the 120-volts model, and a little over $7,000 in Japan for the 100-volts model. The choice is yours.