Tube Pre-Amp with Solid State Amp?

I am building out a second sound room in my office which will be for music only. I am starting with Kef 104/2 for speakers. I plan to add either an integrated or pre-amp/amp with a turntable and CD player. The question is, a lot of folks say/think the preamp is the heart and sole of a system, should I go tube preamp with solid state amp? It seems tube amps can be more of a hassle. Just wanted folk's opinions.
Impedance, Impedance, Impedance matching is the key word when matching tube pre and ss amp.

Use pre(out) to amp(in) impedance matching ratio 10:1; better 20:1

Good luck
I would not be too concerned about the extant SS versus tube debate. I have found an equal number of pres in both technology camps that I have enjoied. There are also high and low output impedance pres in both camps. In the end, give yourself a budget, and try out a few devices, and keep an open mind. G.
Use pre(out) to amp(in) impedance matching ratio 10:1; better 20:1

Shouldn't it be 1:10 (or 1:20)?
My Rogue pre amp has 350 ohm (output impedance) and Linn power amp has 4700 ohm (input impedance).