Zero Autoformer good/bad for Atma/Quad combo

I have Atma-Sphere MA-1 amps connected to Quad 988 electrostatics. I know the older Quads and the M-60 amp benefit from the usage of Zero Autoformers. But there is not much info (from the Agon or AA forums) whether the larger Atma-Sphere amp (MA-1) and/or Quad 988 would benefit from the Zero or not.

I believe the Quad 988 impedance curve is only below 6 ohms between 4K and ~16K Hz with its greatest dip to about 4 ohms at about 10K Hz. And between 70 and 150 Hz the curve spikes above 16 ohms. The Atma-Sphere MA-1 cranks out 165 watts into 8 ohms (much more power than Quads can be cranked too) -- so...

Would Zero Autoformers offer any sonic benefits to this set up?
I would give Ralph a call to get his opinion on this but I think he will see the thread and post his response.
I think you would not need them as the drop is at the higher frequencies that don't require a large amount of power.
I did use the "Zero's" with the M-60 amps driving a pair Acoustat 2+2s electrostats. I did call Ralph and he did endorse them. In fact I posed the question "are the M-60's capable of driving the Acoustat speaker" and he suggested the Zero's. He must have spent at least 15 minutes explaining to me the reasons why, much of the time over my head. As stated in one of the above posts, "truly one of the good guys within the High End Audio industry.......
If I had to use Autotransformers with the Atmasphere, I think I would rather use a regular tube amp that has transformers built in. Defeating the purpose.