Why nobody uses McIntosh with Vandersteen?

Is it a classic mismatch or what? I mean nobody recommends Vandys for Mac and vice versa. I love both brands but if I buy Vandersteen 3A Signature I'll have to start looking for amps. I once tried hooking up 6900 to 3A Sig's and on 4Ohms the sound was dead while on 8 Ohms it was alive but thin. Is it the autoformers?
I had the different, but still unpleasant reaction using MA6600 with Klipsch Cornwall III's, plenty of bass, but too bright, just when things got hoping, the horns would get over-driven. I ended up just using the MA6600 front end to drive a tube backend. (Luxman MB-3045) That synergy worked much better. Someday the Cornwall's will get swapped for B&W 805's.
UPDATE: I now change my McIntosh MC2100 (105wpc) to McIntosh MC601 monoblock (600watts) and a McIntosh C2300 tube preamp. It's jaw dropping, the Vandersteen really woke up significantly.
I noticed no one talked of pairing Vandersteen and Ayre. I personally like that combination.
I have Vandy 3A Sigs powered by McIntosh C42 & Mc501 monoblocs.Use the 4ohm taps on top,with 2 ohms to the bottom in combination with two stereo runs of Kimber 8VS speaker cable.I'm very pleased with the overall results.In my situation I find the choice of interconnects to be a huge determining factor in obtaining the preferred system sound.Currently using Signal Cable silver,but still looking for that synergistic match.Any suggestions from Mac owners are welcome.I contacted The Cable Company for their suggestions.They're all over the place with their recommendations.Now they say PAD Genesis(their only choice).Other times it's been Mit,Cardas,Alpha Core.Not sure what to make of these guys.