Krell amp with Zu Essence speaker

I currently have Krell Evolution 400 monoblocks. I have ordered Zu Essence speakers. Will these two work together? I see most reviewers of the Zu use low power tube amps. Will this amp hurt the Zu?
I have not listened to the Essence yet. I am new to this hobby. I have never even heard a tube amplifier. I would like your opinion when you get your Zu's.
Absolutely. I'll let you know. Should be here by mid-March. I imagine yours are on the manufacturing line right now, too. You may want to try a tube amp with the Essence. They're designed for that, and the 12 ohm load they present is right up a tube amp's alley. With Krell, you've got some of the best solid state stuff out there. Tubes are another ballgame. You will someday need to check it out. I have a Jeff Rowland amp sitting idle. After I got the MastersounD, there was just no going back to solid state. The Rowland is purely a backup now.
If you are committed to solid state and ZU, I'd recommend giving Pass Labs FirstWatt series of amplifiers serious consideration. Aleph J or the F1-F5 amps. They were designed with high efficiency speakers in mind.
I got to listen to the Essence during Ron's Zu House Party Tour and we pushed everything through them up to 250 watts and they really shined with the extra power. They try to package it with a Peachtree Nova but in the opinion of everyone who was listening we pulled it out and hooked up an old Classe amp and a Butler TDB2250 using a Modwright pre then a Bella Max from Response Audio and the sound just took off. The Essence is a speaker that I would consider if and when I decide to upgrade. Totally amazed at the sound reproduction from these speakers. Wait until you get them ,you will be amazed.
Hope so. Should be about two weeks now. Shouldn't need a lot of power with these. Most speakers need to get over the 100 dB mark to really start to sing and exhibit their best. With the Essence, that should take about two watts of power. Full range speakers are odd, though. Seems like you either like them or hate them. Which is why I went with Zu- you don't like 'em, you have 60 days to return them for a full refund. Not a bad deal, a two month in house demo. Who else offers that?