Herron VTSP-3A

Hey guys, I just got this preamp in my system and have only used it for 5 hours. However, I don't have to wait for burn in or more evaluation time to tell this compenent is absolutley outstanding. The VTSP-3A is the new version and it has over 50 changes from the VTSP-3. I got my system sounding really good before the arrival of the Herron, but the Herron has really brought my system to life. Heck, the VTSP-3A has had the most postive impact on about every aspect of sound in my system than any other electonic compenent I have ever bought. I feel like the Herron is letting me hear the potential of everything else in my system. I thought I would make this post since I'm not sure if a lot of people know about Herron. If someone is in the market for a top of the line preamp, they may want to at least consider this one. For the record, I have no affliation with the company, I'm just a VERY happy owner.
I agree with Sflazor. No need to be concerned about the bass performance from the VTSP-3A. However, just like Violin said, there is a lot of other factors involved as well.
Hi Guys, one , if not the biggest improvements that I have heard from a change to my system occurred last year when I replaced the stock power cord for the VTSP-3 with a Synergistic Research Tesla T-2 power cord. The improvement was noticeable in all areas. Later, I also installed a SR Teslaplex wall outlet and that added even more improvement but not the equal to the power cord change. That was huge.
By the way, Keith shipped my 3A yesterday and I should have it Tuesday. I will report on my observations after burn in.
Thanks guys. My speakers (Aerial 9) and amps (Clayton M300's) will do the bass if the preamp passes it through. My current Lamm LL2 does a fine job of that, and so did my TEAD Vibe/Pulse, although a bit less dynamic but slightly better defined than the Lamm. The CAT was absolutely killer in the bass, but had other issues I liked slightly less than with the Lamm. I enjoyed the clarity, tonality and purity of the midrange I heard when I had the Herron M1 amps, but I have never owned his preamps and was concerned with comments I have read about perhaps too much neutrality and not enough body, warmth, and bass. It sounds like he has bridged that gap with the 3/3A so I will consider giving it a try. I really could use a good balanced preamp, but have pretty much given up on that since most of the best I have heard in my price range have all been single-ended. Thanks again for your comments about the Herrons.

If and when you get the Herron, please post your impressions. I'm especially interested in how it compares with your Lamm, as these two are in my short list and I have no way to audition both in my system.

Thank you and have fun!
Hi everyone,I got my VTSP-3A preamp back from Herron Audio four days ago and it has been on continually since. Although it is still breaking in, I can discern several areas of definite improvement. The most obvious to me is in dynamics.It will now rock your boat from a dynamic standpoint. The width of stage is wider and more defined and the depth of stage seems to go straight back from the sides with no truncation from the sides toward the center. I thought that the VTSP-3 was quiet but the 3A seems quieter in that it allows more space between notes. This is particularly evident on solo piano music but is also noticeable in general listening. Tonality wise it is spot on in my humble opinion. After having played the violin for nearly 60 years and in several symphony orchestras as a reference, I feel that the 3A reproduces the true timber of instruments very realistically.
As it continues to break in ,I will update any further changes that I notice.