Why aren't new vacuum tubes as good as old ones?

Why aren't new vacuum tubes as good as or better than old ones? Don't we have purer metals? Precision equipment? Why isn't anyone making the highly regarded 7316s?
It is my understanding the materials have a lot to do with it, but I believe there is an art to manufacturing tubes and even though the same equipment is used there are different people involved in the manufacturing process.
Tubes these days are fired incorrectly so there are contaminants caused by the getter being under or over-fired.

Cathode structures are not being built with proper care. Contaminates get introduced, causing grid contamination during the operation of the tube and also causing arcing as the cathode coating flakes off the cathode.

There is a new US manufacturer of tubes in Carson City, NV that was showing at THE Show just last month. They are starting with a new 6L6 and expect to have a KT88, 2A3, 300b, 6SN7, 12A-series. They seem to be well funded. RCH Labs. The 6L6s they had on display looked quite nice :)
I wonder which the world will run out of sooner, good high quality NOS tubes that are years old or oil?

I hope the suppliers of modern tube technology get their act together sooner and better than those making the new vinyl seem to be doing.

I have to believe though that the ability to make good tubes cost effectively still exists, even if it might not occur that often in practice.

I have no clue really. Too few data points with the tubes I have used personally in recent years. Overall, they seem to do the job well, though getting very quiet ones suitable for use in a phono pre-amp seems to cost a premium.

Definitely a good idea to buy from a reputable source that has the ability to accurately measure and rate each tube. I would expect that at a minimum in general, unless attempting to buy on the cheap, which will surely be more hit or miss in general.
The tubes they are making in Carson City take advantage of modern techniques- computer modeling and lazer cutting so they have avoided expensive dies. I'm very interested to see their production tubes!