Why aren't new vacuum tubes as good as old ones?

Why aren't new vacuum tubes as good as or better than old ones? Don't we have purer metals? Precision equipment? Why isn't anyone making the highly regarded 7316s?
I've heard their 845 and it sounded better than NOS RCA 845 in a friend's SET amplifier. I use the Psvane 101D Hifi series tube in my preamplifier. People who've heard both say the W.E. 101D version is significantly superior ( and the Hifi version is very good!).I haven't heard their 300b but again it's said to be quite good.
I have to say we have had extremely good luck with the run-of-the-mill Chinese 6SN7. We've been using it for about 14 years. Its not the best sounding tube, but its not bad, and they've been pretty reliable.
Anyone want to start a tube factory, I'll put up the funding if a couple of grand will get you started.
I confess I use Mullard CV4024s, but mostly because the JAN Phillips 12AT7s they replaced self destructed after about a month, and I like the "start-up flash" the Mullards display...we need more tubes with that start-up flashing...it's exciting. Note that the EH 12AT7s were fine, I was simply overcome with curiosity. I do like the new Mullard 12AX7s in my Burriss guitar amp, but they, sadly, don't flash on start-up.