Has anyone listened to the coincident linestage?

I am curious if anyone out there has spent some time with this preamp. What were your impressions, and what other preamps were involved with the comparison. Thank you for the feedback.

I`ve read great reviews regarding your Einstein preamp. I`m very familiar with the very highly regarded VAC Renaissance Signature, have you had the opprotunity to hear it?
I understand very well, Charles.
I have the intuition that the massive power supply plays a major role here. To make a PS like that is expensive, and I guess that is why we donĀ“t see it very often.
A curious thing about this unit is the tube configuration. They are floating in a sub chassis to avoid microphonics. It was weird at first, until I got use to it.

Also, it works very well with the Phono statement (of course). Dead silent backgrounds, crystal highs, accurate midrange and real bass (not the HT thing).
Yes, I agree with your point about the contribution of a stellar power supply. Another very important aspect of the Coincident electronics is the decision to utilize interstage transformers in place of signal coupling capacitors(more expensive are the transformers) I really believe that this choice is largely responsible for the superb natural and liquid character of both the Frankenstein and statement components(no apparent mechanical/electronic character). The massive power supplies in both units allow the dynamics,scale and flow of music to be preserved. IMHO Israel Blume really did a exceptional job building these two excellent components.
Did you decide to purchase the Statement linestage? If so has it met your expectations?
Charles, I have not. I have been using an Aesthetix Calypso for a few years now and I am ready to upgrade. I am also considering an ARC REf 3,Modwright 36.5 w/ outboard PS, Allnic L-3000, and possibly a Rogue Hera. I am always open to suggestions. It needs to be a tube pre and it must have XLR in's and out's. Thank you kind sirs.
