Switched From Tubes To SS???Glad You Did???

As the title says I'm looking for those who have changed from Tube Front Ends to SS(especially mid level gear)& am wondering if you've been happy with the change,what if anything you miss about tubes & what you've gained by switching to SS.Thanks guys,take care.
From expierence the closer the tubes are to the source the better. I also switched tubes in the phono stage and in the cd player. Phono stock tubes are 6922 switched to ECC-88 The cd player stock 12AX7 switched to ECC-83. Both with positive results especially the phono stage. I bought the tubes from TC Tubes. They also matched them which I think also helps the performance.
To Viridian:Why are you selling off the tube gear & what simple SS gear are you going to?Thanks to all for your replies...
I think a lot of it depends on your speakers and what type of amp sounds best with them. Mine like lots of power. A year or so ago, I had a tubed CD player, tubed preamp and hybrid (tube input stage) amps. Very dense, rich sound, wonderful midrange, slightly rolled off but grainless top end and full, fat bass. I have gone to (almost) all SS gear, but had to get pretty good high power Class A amps and a pretty good preamp to make it sound good to me. I am currently doing an extended comparison between the tubed CD player and a SS player that also plays hi-rez dvd's. So far both players sound very good, but have slightly different strengths - a tough choice. In answer to your question, yes I like solid state better for my lifestyle. I am considering class A/B amps solely so I can leave them on for longer periods of time when I am not playing music. Since the tubed CD player only has two tubes, I do not worry about it so much, plus it has a switch that only turns off the tubes but not the electronics. As long as you are not trying to find solid state gear that "sounds like tubed gear," but rather can be happy with SS gear that simply makes good sounding music, then you may be fine, because such gear exists.
First I want to say I understand tube ownership and benefits, and appreciate all of those who own tubes. Given that, I own Klipsch Lascalas (in my main listening system) and am very happy with solid state behind them. Completely black background. Quiet, quiet, quiet. Equipment on 24/7 so available to listen to at a blink of an eye (or ear). Complete assurance of reliability and consistency, at least in my experience. No microphonics to deal with, no tube changing to deal with. Of course I am not speaking of a department store rack system. But after many years of trials and tribulations, I will stay the ss game.
I would like to add that most important aspect, musicality. Prat, dynamics, detail, coherence, imaging and spatial presentation, are all here. A truth, if you will, to the recordings, and, to the listening experience. I am a very happy listener.....