Switched From Tubes To SS???Glad You Did???

As the title says I'm looking for those who have changed from Tube Front Ends to SS(especially mid level gear)& am wondering if you've been happy with the change,what if anything you miss about tubes & what you've gained by switching to SS.Thanks guys,take care.
Actually in my case the reverse was true. In my earlier all solid state setup, I had many CDs that I found unlistenable. It was usually more contemporary music that had bad compression or badly mastered. I tried finding better quality pressings/remasters but not everything was available. But once I tried an Ayon CD2S tube CDP, they all became listenable again. And without an overly warm and syrupy sound too. Still with great dynamics and pace but somehow just more listenable.

A friend of mine recently swapped out his CJ GAT preamp and Jadis JA120 special edition for a Karan built preamp and stereo power amp (tweaked by ASI) but I didn't feel he lost out a lot in the swap. I suspect with his fundamentals in place (dedicated power lines, Sound Application SA-X conditioner and ASI power cords), the overall tonality and sound quality was very similar.
Doggie- so much current pop is recorded or mastered so badly- I
hate the autotune on the vocals and the compression to get that pumped
up sound just robs the music of any real dynamics. Somebody here turned
me onto Black Dub. On vinyl it's pretty good, like Black Keys, but not as
monotonous and definitely better sounding than their latest- El Camino.
Unfortunately, both copies were warped! (I'm a vinyl only guy, so if you
want to talk about masochism, ...).
No worries Bill. ;-). It's a case of 'horses 4 courses'. There's more than
one way to skin the 'audio Kat', & I simply referenced my own personal
experience. Audio contains all sorts of 'rabbitt holes' one can disappear
into, 4 any length of time. It's half the fun & certainly a portion of the
education. I don't believe one type of equipment, solid state or tubes,
can claim exclusive ownership of audio 'fun'. I do, in my own home,
listen to more music thru my integrated amps, solid state, tubed, & hybrid,
than when I owned an expensive solid state stack or tubed monos & pre.
It has ALL been fun. Often expensive. Surprisingly educational. As I like
to tell my wife, "guys need hobbies, it keeps us off the streets".
Yeah yeah yeah...doesn't it seem idiotically simplistic to make a judgement call about this particular area of aesthetic esoterica? And does anybody realize what I just wrote made no sense? I WAS joking around but I might have been accidentally correct...or not...tough room...tough room...whew...
Whart I too have a small vinyl collection. It's a chore double, sometimes triple or quad dipping into the same titles :(

I already have the Shelby Lynne on LP and CD, but couldn't resist the new audiophile pressing on LP and SACD.

I know.. what a sucker :D

For more contemporary music, I recently got Amy Winehouse, Nirvana on LP. Heck I even got Nirvana off HD Tracks.

But I digress.

Anyway, the Ayon CD2S was my first dip into tubes. I shortly upgraded to the Ayon CD5S. Then I went overboard with an Audio Research Reference 5 which was later upgraded to the 5SE. I still use the Ayon as a CDP/Pre on a second system.

The truth is I am not into tubes all the way. I like dynamics and detail, and I found the Ayon + ARC was too off pace for my liking. So I ended up using only one tube gear in the chain (preamp) and have SS CDP (EMM Labs XDS1) and SS power amps (Electrocompaniet Nemos).