Is this enough power?

Does a 30w per channel 845 SET amp have enough power to drive 88.6 db at 6 ohm speakers at moderate level of volume. room is 14x18x9 and open at one end into the kitchen. mostly listen to jazz and classical.

Thanks for all the responses.

I found an impedance graph for the speakers.

Between 1k and 20k it is 6 ohms and peaks at 12 ohms at 5k.

From 1k and below it is ruler flat at 4 ohms.

Does this new info alter any of the comments?

the amp does have a 4 ohm and 8 ohm tap. Not sure which one would be the best to use.

Experiment with both the 4 and 8 ohm taps as you cannot hurt your amp or speakers.
Try both taps and use the one that pleases you most! In my set up I found the sound changes a bit been the 4 ohm tap the one I like most because the bass notes are more tigh and the music sound more "relaxed."
Good job getting the impedance data. sounds fine.
However, your job is not done yet! See if you can find some phase data. This IMO is the true test of 'good load/bad load'. Huge phase angles at low impedance will really drain all but the most robust amp. Speakers which are heavily capacitive do not like tubes....or perhaps the other way 'round.

Trying the various taps on the amp? Best idea yet.
Magfan - is there anywhere i can go to find out more about phase angles. that is something i am not familiar with. Does it have something to do with the slope of the impedance curve at a specific frequency?