Is phase control switch a deal breaker for you?

I just came from a preamp with a phase control switch to one without.

I wasn't sure if I was really missing something, until I was told that DG's recording in the 60s and 70s are mostly phase inverted.

Your thoughts?
It's not so much whether or not you can hear it. It's whether your speakers LET you hear it (or make it unavoidable).
There's no crossover between mids and highs and just a single capacitor between woofers and mids. They're crossover-free from (I think) 150hz up.
I have it on my Wyred 4 Sound Dac2 and Integrated amp. I can almost always hear a difference on my recordings and have a preference one way or the other for a given recording. I switch from the listening seat via the remote so I don't need to get up and down and the reversal is instant. Since the reversal is done in the digital domain, I don't think it affects the sound quality at all.

I have another "more pure" system without polarity reversal and I really miss having polarity reversal in that system.
My Dacmagic has a polarity switch...don't use it much but I can tell the difference when I switch it. It's polarizing.