Is phase control switch a deal breaker for you?

I just came from a preamp with a phase control switch to one without.

I wasn't sure if I was really missing something, until I was told that DG's recording in the 60s and 70s are mostly phase inverted.

Your thoughts?
There's no crossover between mids and highs and just a single capacitor between woofers and mids. They're crossover-free from (I think) 150hz up.
I have it on my Wyred 4 Sound Dac2 and Integrated amp. I can almost always hear a difference on my recordings and have a preference one way or the other for a given recording. I switch from the listening seat via the remote so I don't need to get up and down and the reversal is instant. Since the reversal is done in the digital domain, I don't think it affects the sound quality at all.

I have another "more pure" system without polarity reversal and I really miss having polarity reversal in that system.
My Dacmagic has a polarity switch...don't use it much but I can tell the difference when I switch it. It's polarizing.
In all of my years in the audio hobby I have only had
a phase switch once. It is on my recently acquired Octave
jubilee preamp. I have experimented several times
and have concluded it makes a difference on certain
material. For example, I was playing an LP
that I thought sounded kind of thin and closed in
Now for most of my lp's, they do not exhibit this
anomaly. This one LP did and I reversed the phase
on the preamp and what a difference. Generally speaking
most music can be played back without thinking about
phase settings. Every once in a while you come
across a situation where you wish you had or
just carry on. The fact that I did not use a phase
switch before does not mean that I do not
want it when I need it. It is like having a spice
or something of that nature. You probably could live
without but if you had, use it. So, a phase switch
is not a deal breaker for me, but, since I have
found usefulness in having one, I may be more
Inclined to seek out that option in any future
upgrades, which at this point I do not see happening
to soon.