Thoughts on current EL-34 tubes

I have just put my Jolida JD-1000P back into my system, and when I initially fired it up one of the tubes was obviously bad giving a good light show. I found this kind of strange as the amp has been sitting idle with no power to it for about six months now and the tubes Winged C Svetlanas were working fine when I took it out of the system. I replaced the winged C with another Svetlana for now and ordered up 8 matched Tungsol re-issues as I have heard that these tubes are some of the better of the re-issue tubes out now, what are everyones thoughts on current re-issue EL-34 tube available now.
I second the EH EL34 and recently retubed my CJ amp with these. Great, depth, warmth and richness of sound, very sweet and detailed. I have no desire to change these out for others. And no fireworks. I STONGLY suggest buying from Tube Depot; they have always sold me quality tubes that test well and last a long time. A great company.
Thanks for the responses so far keep them coming. I have tried the Mullard reissues and did not find them as well rounded as the winged "C" tubes. Rich how have you found the EH tubes as far as reliability, I had some problems with those a while back, maybe they have improved? I may just end up trying a few different brands to compare, the JJ KT-77 tubes interest me also. I do realize this is all system dependent but I appreciate all comments.
The secret to tube life ... which I learned 45 plus years ago with my dad in his TV repair shop ... allow enough time for the tubes to warm up. I allow for at least a half hour. Even though the Prima Lunas have circuitry to allow for play after 30 seconds, I find that the tubes last longer and are pretty noise free, when I just let them warm up. I am getting good hours on the EH ... can't say whether it's a 1000 hours or more, but I have not had to replace them in at least a year or so. The EH cost is also very reasonable ... about $20 a tube, so it's not that big a deal.

Rich, I totally agree with the warm up aspect, I too give the amp and preamp 30 minutes of warm up time before playing any music. I'll have to revisit the EH tubes, and Stevecham, I too like the tube depot, thats where I have ordered the Tungsols from.

I hate to say this but forget current production.... If you really want to know what an EL34 is all about get yourself some new old stock (NOS) Mullard xf2's or xf3's. They'll smoke you and last a lifetime.