Thoughts on current EL-34 tubes

I have just put my Jolida JD-1000P back into my system, and when I initially fired it up one of the tubes was obviously bad giving a good light show. I found this kind of strange as the amp has been sitting idle with no power to it for about six months now and the tubes Winged C Svetlanas were working fine when I took it out of the system. I replaced the winged C with another Svetlana for now and ordered up 8 matched Tungsol re-issues as I have heard that these tubes are some of the better of the re-issue tubes out now, what are everyones thoughts on current re-issue EL-34 tube available now.
I settled on Winged Cs after two sets of JJ E34Ls began arcing on me. They have proved reliable and balanced.
The Siemens tubes are excellent and available from Roger Modjeski of RAM Labs/Music Reference = perhaps the best tube tester in the business.
Hi Viridian, yes that is true of the 6P3S-E but depending on how high the impedance is in the circuitry of the amp they can be used, they actually draw less filament current than an EL-34 which should make them a little easier on the amp. I've been reading Michael Samra's findings with this tube in EL-34 amps over on AA. If the impedance is on the lower side the tubes may be a mismatch.
If you ever hear true NOS Siemens or Telefunken, or Mullard EL34s, or for that matter NOS GE 6CA7s, you'll understand how woefully disappointing are the current faux "Tung-Sol", "Mullard" and various other iterations of this tube coming out of Russia. There are two excellent commercially-available alternatives:

1/ Shuguang Treasure 6CA7 - this sounds closest to the great vintage EL34s of anything in current production.

2/ Mesa Boogie, the guitar amplifier company, still has robustly-tested NOS Siemens EL34 in matched pairs for sale on their web site (go to the Store link). They are relableled Mesa, are genuine, and aren't going to last in their inventory indefinitely, so don't lollygag if you want them. They're worth it.
