Preamp for Pass

I have a ARC LS26 preamp, but thinking about trying something else, but still a tube preamp.

I have tryed the DIY Tram II witch was fitted with duelund compoens and others opgrades. that sounded great from the midrange and up, but lacked some in the bass, compared to my LS26.

So witch tube preamps are great with Pass?
The input impedance of the Pass can be challenging for many tube preamps, including the ARC, which was covered in another thread.

This usually has to do with the output coupling capacitor of the preamp. A few tube preamps (a very few) are direct-coupled and so don't have this issue. At least one not only has direct-coupled outputs but is also fully differential and balanced. So it is possible to have the smoothness and detail of tubes without giving up anything in the bass.
The RCA input impedance of the XA30.5 is 20k. Pass originally listed it at 15k but it was tested at 20k and Pass has changed that spec on some of its literature.

On preamp output impedance: remember the spec is the "average". Just like an 8 ohm speaker is hardly ever 8 ohms across the spectrum (it could vary from 2 to 30 ohms). Some pres will be many times more than its rated spec especially at the low or high end. Try and find those specs when you go hunting.
Pubul57, both the Atma-Spheres and Sonic Frontiers mentioned above, have DC coupled outputs and are fully differential and balanced, with rather low output impedance's for tube products.
Pierre1976: So which tube preamps are great with Pass?Pierre1976:

Most Pass amps have very low input impedance Pierre, for a good match this dictates the necessity to use a preamp that has very low output impedance in the order of 100ohms will be a safe bet, most good solid state preamps will do this as they are 10 to 50 ohms. But your preference is for tube so check and double check that the output impedance of the tube preamp is in the order of 100ohms or so, before spending the bucks.

Cheers George