best chinese tube amp under $1k?

i just placed an order for the Tekton M-Lore which are 95dB
i plan to use a peachtree idecco as a dac/pre and now looking to pickup a tube amp, i know the chinese tube amps represent excellent value so if someone could suggest one to me that'd be great
Some of these amps made in China are a killer value and a DIY dream for mods. Fun stuff that sounds good for cheap.
I have a 102B that ive been listening to for the past couple months while getting repairs done on my seperates.It sounds very good,not the last word in resolution,or bass,but for the price, hard to beat.Im listening to The Planets right now and really impressed with the quality Im getting thru this amp.
My vote is for the Jolida JD-502P amplifier. Can be found for under $1000 or a little over $1000 with mods straight from Jolida. It can also be used with the Tung Sol KT-120 tubes.
I own a Yaqin MC-10T. It's a PP EL34 amp. Sound, though not as good as my EICO HF-60s, is still quite impressive for the low price. It has a very 'modern' / fast sound. I ran mine for many hours without any issue - currently on loan to a friend who put it through its paces.

Modding them is a bit of pain, though I did manage to replace the stock blue coupling caps with Wimas.

I preferred the sound of the MC-10T over many vintage tube amps I've owned, including the Dynaco ST-70, Mark IIIs, Mark IVs, various 6BQ5 amps, and a H-K Citation V.