Power suggestion?

I have recently acquired some OMD-15's from a member and am considering upgrading my power. I am currently Bi-Amping them through an ONKYO receiver and thus far the sound incredible to my ear.

What might be a smart upgrade power wise?

Iv'e looked at a few and just don't know a lot about amps?
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If you say they sound incredible with what you have, I agree with the other fellow, enjoy!. Incredible is pretty hard to beat. I'm still trying to get the top of the line OMD's to sound incredible.
I know I'm way late on this...but hopefully I can help. I've got the OMD-28's and love them. For power, I'm using two Emotiva 500 watt/channel Monoblocks (XPA-1). Plenty of clean (cheap) power. That being said, I am toying with the idea of adding a tubed amp and preamp into the mix. After about 15 minutes (warming up) - the XPA 1's sound wonderful and warm.....hence the reason I am really debating hard to introduce a tube amp/preamp.
Mbovaird the OMD 28's require lots of current. I'm not confident that a tube amp will deliver unless you plan to spend quite a bit for one.
Foster_9 - the more I think about it, the more I think you're right. Unless I go to something like a Carver Black Beauty, I think SS or Digital is the way to go. Maybe tube preamp and SS or Digital Amp??
