Looking for brighter tubes

Attention tube heads: I'm looking for brighter (more treble...not higher amounts of glow and chrome) tubes, if they exist. My amp (Jolida JD502P) has a well regarded bunch of Russian Tung Sol 6550s and 12AX7/12AT7s but I'm wondering if there's anything out there that imparts more sizzle in this amp. I do like the amp as it is...but hey..."rolling rolling rolling, keep them tubeys rolling...
Man...the 502p sounds damn good as new (getting better every day) even without the use of this collective wisdom, so once I digest all this and cram some new glass into the thing it just might sound TOO good, thus giving me nothing else to do. Except maybe asking "Johnsonwu" to completely rebuild it. I've been using tube guitar amps since the 60's and like most professional musicians life seemed too short to worry about tubes...you just want the things to keep functioning (for interested guitar players: my current fave amp is a really sweet Reverend Goblin 5/15 with a Jensen Neo 10).

I am wondering if the Jolida transformers can handle KT120s...anybody have a clue? Well "Wilson667?" Come on man...do it! I do plan to talk to the Jolida dudes more about that.
I was wondering the same thing about the TS KT120's Myself. I haven't stumbled across any specific info on the Jolida on the web though. I have read that the KT90's tend to have a more solid state sound and less of that tube warmth. I am sure someone will let me know if I am wrong.
I have read that the KT90's tend to have a more solid state sound and less of that tube warmth. I am sure someone will let me know if I am wrong.
Yes, that's my experience with the EAR 890.
In a phone conversation about 10 minutes ago, Mike Allen of Jolida told me that KT120s should work fine in my (newer version) JD502P. So there. Also, he seems like a cool guy.