Looking for brighter tubes

Attention tube heads: I'm looking for brighter (more treble...not higher amounts of glow and chrome) tubes, if they exist. My amp (Jolida JD502P) has a well regarded bunch of Russian Tung Sol 6550s and 12AX7/12AT7s but I'm wondering if there's anything out there that imparts more sizzle in this amp. I do like the amp as it is...but hey..."rolling rolling rolling, keep them tubeys rolling...
I think you just make a glass bulb and stick some wire in it...I plan to suck the air out with my vacuum cleaner or merely place the thing in range of a Lana Del Ray song...this should work...
Wolf. You may still need that vacuum cleaner. If you put your glass bulb and wire near a Lana Del Ray song the air will be bored to death or lulled to sleep. At least that is what happens to me when I hear or see that Video games song performance. The air may not entirely sucked out of your custom tubes. ;)