Need tube 101 info

Ok I'm new to this tube preamp world and I'd like to know a few things. I've acquired a BAT Vk-3ix that needs new tubes but I'm not sure I understand what tubes do what and how to properly "roll" them. I don't want "bright" tubes but I'm completely at a loss as to which brands I should be looking at.

Also what do the two tall inboard tubes do, and what do the small pairs to the left and right do?

When you get a matched pair of the small tubes does one go on the left and one go on the right?

Can you mix brands on the left and right. For example can you have brand x and y on the left and x and y on the right? Will that hurt anything? Or should all be the same brand?

I know these may be simple questions but I gotta start somewhere I suppose.
Last, try this site for basic tube info: I know I've seen another site that had good audio-related tube info but I can't seem to find it right now. Maybe others will recommend a site. I'm not sure a conversation with BAT will be helpful re: NOS tubes. My understanding is that they don't recommend using NOS tubes. However, I had an email conversation with Viktor when I first bought my VK-3i and he was very gracious. - Dick
Thanks Djohnson,

I just got off the phone with BAT. Not sure who I talked to but he sounded Russian - I think. Very nice guy. He thinks is a tube problem and that I should try that first and if my problem persists then I can call back and we go from there.
Good deal. Yes, the guys who run BAT are Russian. Don't let this experience put you off of tubes. The rewards are often great and tube preamps aren't really all that much trouble. I'm sure yours won't be either, once you get it running properly.

Like you, I am new to tubes. This was a great help
Good news so far! Got the EH tubes in, I flicked on the unit - quit and no ringing or crackling. Also yhe hiss that is there requires my ears up to the speaker to hear and is thesame level on both speakers. But my wife is watching tv so I'll have to wait an hour or so for any listening. Wives! There so silly with their 2d image moving picture shows! Right now I'm just letting everything warm up.