Tube Amps from China

I have been looking at tube amps for less than a thousand dollars. It will be my first one. I have some Magnepan speakers . Any suggestions or comments will be apprciated.
I saw check out recent tube amp offerings from Jolida in Maryland. Specifically the JD-502P that is capable of using the Tung Sol KT-120 tube or even the Jolida JD-1000P amplifier. There are lots of Jolida dealers and support from the people in Maryland is quite good.

Also check out Grant Fidelity. I'm not sure on the amp offerings but they have a good amount of integrated that are good quality with great customer service to boot.

Good luck with the search.
Plus Mike Allen's Jolida provides fast warranty service and they will actually spend time with you on phone calls. Beware of the Chinese websites selling Jolida products. Sites such as UnderwoodWalley are legitimate dealers.
**NO Affiliation
I echo the concern that a sub-$1000 tube amp might not be the best match for Magnepan's. What amp are you currently use to drive your speakers, and what do you find lacking that makes you want a tube amp?

Some of the better-known amps for powering the Maggies are Innersound/Sandersound amps, but even used you're talking over $1000. Maybe Wyred4Sound would be a good option, or perhaps Odyssey or an older McCormack (DNA-1 or DNA-225). All of these options I've mentioned are SS, by the way.

If you like the sound of the Maggies, and have the appropriate room for them to be positioned optimally, then my suggestion is to save up for an amp that will truly match your speakers. I think you'll be much happier in the long run.

A tube-SS hybrid amp might be a possibility within your budget. Maybe a Vincent hybrid?
It's going to be hard to find a NEW tube amp in that price range with enough juice for 86db speakers. I do love my Jolida 502p but my speakers are higher efficiency than Maggies. Jolida's 100 watt hybrid is around $800 (new) so that maybe could work for you...and I can attest, based on my recent experience with them, that Jolida MD (Mike Allen et al) is a great company to work with. I have no connection with them, but if they read this stuff they really should thank me for my shameless promotion of them...but NO NO NO...I get NOTHING. Bastards.