Best integrated amp for 10K

Currently changing system to match new Quad electrostatics. Looking at tube amp/preamps to match with Quads, but concerned over limited space in home theatre cabinet. Heard great things about VAC Sigma 160i and Ayon Audio Triton III integrated amps as being fabulous for the money. Budget around $10k. Any thoughts from people with these 2 units as to matching with the Quads? Any other options?
You cannot go wrong with either of the two units that you mention. If you are willing to buy used you also might consider a VAC Phi Beta 110i integrated amplifier.
They don't come up for sale often, but it may be worth waiting for. It's discontinued, but used to sell for $19K - $22K. Should be able to get a used one for around $10K.
Atma-Sphere all the way!! Perfect match for the electrostat.

Ok its not integrated.. just my 2c
The new Ayre integrated is about $10k. I heard it at RMAF driving Vivid G3s. It's pretty special and it's on my list even tho' I have no idea how to pay for it!