Classe' CAP-151,are there reliability issues?

I have noticed a few Classe'CAP-151 around at quite reasonable prices. This integrated has not only received some fairly decent reviews, but seems to be an amp people like and hang onto for awhile. My problem is most of inquiries I have made to potential sellers comes with a history of having been repaired,in most cases back at Classe'. Is this just coincidence or are these amps prone to repair? The Cap-151 was built in Canada (I am Canadian) prior to moving thier operations off shore to China. They still have a repair depot, including all parts except faceplates and chassis,back in Montreal and thier out of warranty shop rate is $90 a hour. Again, there are some good deals out there,however if the amp keeps landing back at Classe',then I had best look elsewhere. Please note that I am just inquiring and not trying to bash Classe' since I know they are well built and a favorite amongst many audiophiles. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
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I have this integrated, bought it used, and it needed repair done in the first 5 months of owning it. Something about a bridge connector or some such that failed. Classe replaced the part for free, I just had to pay the repair tech to replace and install the new part.

If you're thinking about it, and it's in your budget, just grab one. It's got a pleasant sound. It's not in my main system anymore, but I keep mine. It's a great piece, with a pretty easy to love sound, and even with the single repair, it was worth it.
I've owned my CAP-151 for a decade. I bought it used (from Audiogon ad). It is wonderful and has never given me any trouble at all. I've never had any service done to it and it still looks and sounds great.
I have a CAP-100 I got here on Agon and it has never given me any problems. I also have a CA-200 I bought brand new back in 1997 that has only been sent once to Classe and that was my fault. They fixed it N/C thru my dealer. The older models built in Canada I think are bulletproof. Don't know about the newer ones tho.