Hypex Ncore NC1200 Amps at NY Audio Show in April

This is a BIGGIE! Both based on the Hypex Ncore NC1200, the Mola-Mola Mono Amps and the Merrill Audio Veritas Mono Amps will be at the NYC Audio show in April. The Mola-Mola with Vivid Speakers and the Veritas with Raidho and Sanders Sound Speakers, all in separate rooms.
Thank you HifiAl... One thing to consider is that the Mola-Mola amps at the NYC show will be engineering prototypes, not finalized products. Production level Mola-Mola devices may be available in a few months.

Do you know if the Ncore NC1200-based ATSAH amp from Acoustic Imagery will also be shown? ATSAH is distributed in the US by Tweak Geek in Denver.

Saluti, Guido
Guido, as far as I know the Atsah are not listed to be at the show.
But perhaps they could be a last minute show.
Hi Don, you are correct. Tweak Geek is the direct importer of the Acoustic Imagery ATSAH, and is a dealer for products distributed in the USA by On A Higher Note -- including the upcoming Mola-Mola monoblock amplifier.

This suggests that once Mola-Mola is released, this amp might be available for audition at a number of dealers that carry products distributed by On A Higher Note.

Guido, you are wright about the adudtion of the Mola-Mola. Unless they change what I have been told. There is a dealer in NJ I have spoke to and was told I could addition the Mola-Mola.

Unfortunately I have been dealing with a back problem since last July that got worse to the point of having to have a operation. The last six weeks of recovery is going well and God willing I will be at the NY Show in April. So that is were I will hear them.

As much as I want to hear the Mola-Mola I have also wanted to hear both the Vivid and Raidho. This new Diamond Driver that Raidho is using sounds very interesting.
Its first break up is at 20khz! It seems to me using this driver and their tweeter it would be like one seamless point source! If the bass goes low enough and is tight and "full/deep", WOW. I like the KEF Blade but the bass is just short of what it should be. At these prices a speaker should give it all to you.

Till later.