Hypex Ncore NC1200 Amps at NY Audio Show in April

This is a BIGGIE! Both based on the Hypex Ncore NC1200, the Mola-Mola Mono Amps and the Merrill Audio Veritas Mono Amps will be at the NYC Audio show in April. The Mola-Mola with Vivid Speakers and the Veritas with Raidho and Sanders Sound Speakers, all in separate rooms.
Hifial and Guido,

Thanks for both of your clarifying posts, I now have a better understanding of class d's current status.

You may have a tough task coming up, Hifial, but my suggestion is to just relax and enjoy the show. Even if your listening reports are a complete load of crap, what's the worst that can happen? It's not like you're going to be fired, demoted or forced to take a pay cut. And all of us interested readers will still be getting our money's worth.

Have fun,
In Room 1019, Tube Audio Design demos their amplifiers based on NCore1200.

Another very interesting components in that room are the music servers by Musica Pristina (Virtuoso and A Capella)

Have a fun !
Hi Dob, please post here any tech info or listening impressions of the Tube Audio Design amps... I will add them to my list of extant NC1200 implementations to track.

What is the current home page for Tube Audio Design? The link on Audiogon's industry directory appears to be invalid.

I thought the Mola Mola/Vivid Giya setup was stunningly good. Amazing how it could go from intimate to orchestral and sound equally great.