Hypex Ncore NC1200 Amps at NY Audio Show in April

This is a BIGGIE! Both based on the Hypex Ncore NC1200, the Mola-Mola Mono Amps and the Merrill Audio Veritas Mono Amps will be at the NYC Audio show in April. The Mola-Mola with Vivid Speakers and the Veritas with Raidho and Sanders Sound Speakers, all in separate rooms.
I fully respect the fact that different folk hear systems differently, so this comment is offered in that spirit. I listened over two days to multiple systems, including those at stratospheric prices, and I constantly returned to the Sanders Electrostatic/Merrill amplification room to hear music (I currently own neither - I have c-j tube amps and Sonus Faber Guarneri speakers, but I am now considering the Merrills). While the room was small, and you had to sit in one of the three "hot-spot" chairs, when you did so, the result was both detailed, natural, and deeply engaging. The Raido DI's driven by the Merrill's were also impressive. I will have a chance to hear the Merrill's driving my Sonus Faber's shortly.
Hi Steinedm2, were you also able to listen to the system powered by Mola-Mola? How would you characterize its overall sound compared with the two systems powered by Merrill Veritas?
Unfortunately I did not hear the Mola-Mola combination.
I will however report on the sound with my Sonus Faber speakers
once I have the chance to do so.
Isanchez: I, too, thought the Waterfall speakers/Aragon/ManleyPre was the surprise room with a very linear,open, balanced sound. I assumed glass would ring, but didn't hear it.

As for the Vivids, I fault the room size for the bass bloat some have mentioned. Outside of that, they were extremely transparent without being edgy, IMHO.
Out of curiosity did anyone like the kondo room???? I thought it was the best in show heads and shoulders above the rest.