What's causing hiss??

I've got background hiss on a new-to-me tube/ss integrated with a tube pre amp stage. It is constant no matter what volume with no input from source.

Can this be a power problem? Other amps on that circuit with same setup have no hiss.

Tubes getting old?

Defective unit?
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"Have you tried a different set of speakers with a lower sensitivity? If the hiss is still unacceptable with different speakers, then it would seem that there is a problem with the VincentÂ’s preamp. If the preamp does have a problem, then doing anything else makes no sense until it is repaired."

I agree. If you have the means to try a less efficient pair of speakers, that would go a long way as to finding out the nature of the problem.
If you hear identical hiss in both channels, it's more likely capacitors on the amplifier side power supply. Checking/replacing preamp caps is also encouraged.
I would also replace/upgrade coupling caps that believe it or not also can go bad.
If the hiss is only to one channel, or heard substantially higher one channel vs. the other, than you can check/swap/replace tubes between both channels to ID the bad tube.
You should try a very quiet, low powered, tube amp with your Klipsch speakers. Maybe something from Art Audio.
I fully agree with Jperry. There are many to choose from at at all price levels.