Speaker for modern/alt rock music

I have a $2000 budget.
Using an amp that outputs 125W into 8ohms.
I just purchased the Anthony Gallo Strada 2's.
They are the same as the upper part of the well known reference 3.5's.

Anyways, although they sound really good on acoustic/classical/vocal music, they sound really messy and harsh on modern music and alternative rock stuff. I feel like almost all speakers do "audiophile" music very well.

Two of my favorite artists are Flyleaf and Paramore.
Can anyone recommend some speakers (used or new) under $2000 that are good for this kind of music?
Something that can keep up with fast passages with great instrument separation and is as transparent as possible.

Also, it would be good if it is forgiving of poorly recorded songs.

A used SNELL type D is very good for rock. it punches you in the stomach. And it only cost $600 used
The "music" is really messy and harsh, what did you expect?
Buy some old Advents and be happy.
Hi, I heard the Zu Omens at the CES show in Las Vegas and I think they might fit the bill. If you can a pair to audition, check em out!
Good Luck, Tish
Klipsch Belle or if you can find a pair of Klipschorns in your area for under $2000 you won't be sorry. And, those are lifetime speakers, if you get them for that price, over the years you can do upgrades such as the crossover network, wiring, and refinishing the boxes.

My all time favorite rock speaker, regardless of price.
I'd try PSB's if you can find them used. Also, The Golden Ear line pumps out quite a bit of bass for little money. You might be happier with some good monitors and subwoofer setup if you have room to play around. You really gotta audition with your favorite music before buying, though.