
In an ongoing exploration of various musical styles, I've run across Frank Zappa's Grand Wazoo. It's been a long time since I listened to Zappa, and I found the Grand Wazoo to be entertaining. What recommendations do you have for Zappa's works? What should be avoided?

As an aside, what album contains the line "help, I'm a rock..."?


I'm 44 so I didn't see Frank live enough times, total of seven shows all told. To this day a standard to which all live bands should be held to (Steely Dan comes close though).

I'd strongly suggest you buy every record Zappa released, but that's just me. My favourite studio record is Tinseltown Rebellion (Zoot Alure, Joe's Garage, and Sheik Yerbouti are all close seconds). Must haves for any Zappa fan are the live albums "Does Humor Belong in Music" and "Live in New York". I'd also recommend you check out Boulez Conducts Zappa, the London Philharmonic release, and of course Jazz From Hell. Absolutely brilliant musician, I doubt there'll be another in my lifetime close to FZ. He was a genius.
Still have a special affinity for "We're Only In It For the Money" after all these years. Don't have "Joe's Garage" but will soon.
Johnrob, you're right when you say music threads are the best part of Audiogon.
Don't think anyone mentioned another of Frank's earlier albums, Uncle Meat. I'd rate this double LP with his best efforts. I saw the Mothers perform this live, and also saw Frank and the Mothers with Flo & Eddie on their Live at the Fillmore, 1971 tour. That was some gig. I can't forget Frank's ranting about getting busted for porn while performing the same material in Miami. Suppose the mores in Vermont differed from Miami!
From the older albums, 'Burnt Weeny Sandwich' and 'Chunga's Revenge' are very nice too !
Saw the band live on the Joe's Garage (1) tour. He played the whole album, then encored with Black Napkins.

Other great's that I enjoy are:
One Size Fits All
OverNight Sensation
