musical drummers...who are they ???

the elusive it..... what drummers have it ??

Ringo, John Bonham, Keith Moon, Jeff Porcaro,Anton Fig, Dave Weckl, Vinnie C, can't put my finger on it, but they just play....the music...any thoughts ??
I have to agree with Xiekitchen - the young Tony Williams did it differently than anybody else. He didn't just keep a rhythm, he flowed with the the music. Check out Herbie Hancock's Maiden Voyage. Pure genius.

02-14-06: Dodgealum
...I don't think there is another drummer who understands time the way Bonham does--he does so much with so little it is phenomenal.
I absolutely agree with this statement "does so much with so little". Frankly, he's my favorite rock drummer by far. Charlie Watts is sort of the same as far as doing so much with so little. Back in my Carl Palmer bombastics worshipping days, I could never appreciate the Haiku simplicity of Watts' drumming. Only in the last few years, when I started learning some of Bonham's charts, did I start to realize how syncopatically complicated his basically simple patterns sounded.

For a musical drum solo, check out Neil Peart's solo on "Rush in Rio". I imagine the solo on the "R30" collection is similar.

Lots of great drummers in these lists, for sure.
Second on Bozio, his performance with Zappa on Little Snakes really exhibits his range. Let's not forget Ginger Baker, Nick Mason, Pic Withers, Erik Montzka, to name a few more.
Pic Withers? Hahahahahahaahah. Listen to "Making Movies, he's nowhere close to being in sync. He may have gotten better after that, but in my mind, he's a hack.