Gold CDs ...... too much?

Are everyone's experiences with gold CD's (including MFSL CDs) positive? I just received a mint copy via Ebay of Steely Dan's Aja on MFSL Gold CD and something's just not right. Perhaps it's the fact that I've listened to this record (and CD) for almost 30 years now and this is the first time I've heard it on my new system, but here's what I hear.
There is almost too much resolution. Imagine how when you are using your digital picture software and you're using the "sharpness" adjust to modify a picture, and the picture almost becomes surreal, and too "brittle"? That's what I hear on the Aja Gold disk. Things are just too "bright", "brittle", too "much" of everything. It kind of reminds me of the complaints people used to have of CDs when the first hit the market. Sure it sounded clean & everything, but it just didn't sound natural.
Your thoughts??
I had something like that happen to me.
I bought the RUSH-Signals MFSL Gold CD,
AND in the song: The Weapon,
the second chorus IS MISSING!
"And the things that we fear" Line was gone!
It`s in the Original version that came out shortly after
CD`S came out in 84-85.
It`s in the new RE-Mastered series.
Why that line was left out, I don`t know.
IT WAS throwing me off EVERYTIME that I played
my drums along with the CD.
My original version, which was the 3rd.
CD that I ever bought, had a scratch on it,
SO, I bought the Gold CD.
Not to my liking, I sold that CD, and got the
RE-Mastered one in 1999. I Guess they went off a DIFFERENT Master Tape? MAYBE, that`s what happened
with your S.D. cd.

There is only one "master" tape, hence the name MASTER!!

Not all labels record off the original master. The term is sometimes applied loosely.

I like all my MFSL and DCC gold CDs. Maybe the gear is the problem?? I use all Mac tubes w/ Vandersteen speakers.
Thanks for all the input folks! It's always interesting to read other's impressions and interpretations. I tend to fall in line with Kurt Tank's thoughts.
Rcprice, your comments were quite revealing as well. As a former artist, I don't know that I agree with MoFi's practice of "altering" the mix, thus changing the "art" as the artist wanted us to hear it. I didn't know they did that, I thought they were just cleaning up the sound, so to speak.
Having said that, my 200gram LP of REM's first album is one of the most beautiful sounding (and great song crafting!) albums I own.
For the record, my system is:
Amp: MF a308r
Pre: Pass Labs X-1
Speakers: Spendor S9
Interconnects & Cables: Analysis Plus Oval 9's
There are actually several tapes referred to by the major record companies as masters. Frequently, so called "safety masters" are sent to other countries to produce product. The reason is that the original masters are the record companies greatest asset and they guard them fiercely. This is one reson that product from the country of origin frequently sounds better than product from other regions.
I always thought the MFSL gold CDs were hit or miss, some sounded excellent while others so-so. I'm not exactly sure what they did (in terms of processing) other than transfer to gold CDs. In almost all cases the DCCs seemed to better their aluminum brethren. Most or at least many of these were remastered by Steve Hoffman and sound excellent. I've never thought that the mere act of producing a gold CD enhanced sonics that much if at all. For me, it's the remastering that makes the most significant difference. While the gold seemed to project the image of a premium product, in reality the added value lay elsewhere. In other words it was a marketing ploy. XRCDs are also a premium product. How many more they would have sold if they were gold I don't know.